Attention: Party Planners...
Select Your
Dear Friend,
It's scary but true. Hiring the right entertainer can mean the difference between a successful event and a total disaster. I realize that you might not believe that right now but think about it for a minute. * When's the last time you remembered the dinner you had at a house warming party? * Did the centerpieces make the event memorable and successful? * When's the last time you attended a home party when the background music made it successful? Probably never. The speaker or entertainer is the "key" to a successful event, but here’s the problem... Hire the wrong person and your event will be a flop. Hire someone who offends members of your audience and it's your reputation on the line. Overpay for an entertainer who delivers a sub-par performance and all eyes will be looking at you. |
Every performer is unique and, like in any other profession, there are entertainers who are great, some who are good, some mediocre, and some who should never be allowed on stage!
You need to base your decision on the performer who will best fulfill your needs and help you to achieve your desired outcomes. My name is Kendal Kane and I'm a professional magician and speaker. For over 25 years my unique programs of magic, mind-reading, and comedy have made wedding reception amazing, fun, and unforgettable. And in fact, the best way to guarantee success with your next event is to have it specifically designed and customized JUST FOR YOU! |
Here's How This Works...
You tell me exactly what kind of home party you're planning to hold... house warming, family reunion, holiday party, whatever... I ask you a few simple questions about location, who's coming, key results you want to see happen, maybe a few "inside jokes" that everyone who's coming can relate to... And I will create a totally customized program for your house party just for YOU! That's right... instead of having to settle for tired old collection of card tricks, colored hankies, and "sawing in half" routines from some "Generic Dallas Magician", you instead get a one-of-a-kind magical experience that's never been seen before and will never get repeated again! Here's the best part... getting a totally customized program is not only easy it's incredibly affordable! |
You're Saying To Yourself... That's Crazy!
No Way Can Any Entertainer Provide That Kind Of Specialized, Hand-Holding Service!! It's Got To Cost a Fortune!!!...... Wrong-O!
You see, my background is totally unique. Not only am I a skilled corporate entertainer / family entertainer with over 20 years of experience all across the U.S. in a variety of venues including company meetings, birthday parties, street fairs, tradeshows, weddings, theme parks, and more .... ... I also have several decades of intensive training and experience in management and product development. I've created entertainment programs for multi-national corporations like Walmart, Ethicus Hospital, Granite Financial, and the Dallas Country Club. As a speaker and trainer, I have extensive training in the theatrical and creative arts. I teach students advance skills and performance disciplines to enhance their own shows within the magic community. |
What all this training, expertise, and experience means to you is this:
You Get a Totally Customized Program from The One Dallas Magician Uniquely Qualified to Do the Job for You! Check out some of our programs: Walk Around Magic: Intimate Entertainment That Makes Events Unforgettable! Imagine... your guests arriving to the event that’s instantly charged with an atmosphere of mystery. They’re greeted by Dallas’ sleight-of-hand Grand Master Kendal Kane – a brilliant, award-winning performer that captivates the audience with charming delight and places emphases on ENTERTAINMENT and LAUGHTER with a light hearted approach. People love to experience magic, especially up close, and in their own hands. You’ll be delighted to hear the gasps of amazement and laughter as your guests are mesmerized with their own mini magic shows that will make a lasting, positive impression you desire. It’s during this cocktail hour that the magic happens one-on-one, right under your guest’s noses and even right in their hands, setting the stage for an entire evening of fun and amazement. (If you’ve ever seen David Blaine or Cris Angel’s magic on TV, you already know how powerful an experience this type of “close-up” magic can be!). |
Magic, Music, And Mystery:
An Enchanting After Dinner Show That Leaves You Spellbound! If you are looking for a more formal show, this package is for you! This 45-minute magic show has a unique blend of magic with pure sleight of hand, mystery, and music to create an enchanted evening of mystery appropriate for all ages.
It’s not the big box illusions, but dramatic artistic theater unlike anyone has seen before! Filled with audience interaction, ensures everyone will have a GREAT time. |
Discover how easy it is to create a house party family event that will offer wonderful memories that'll last a lifetime and make you look like a STAR! Just contact me today and I'll respond immediately with complete, no-obligation details. Just let me know what type of event you're interested in, and I promise to get back to you almost immediately!
Just email me at [email protected] or simply give me a call at 214-300-5382. Don't delay -- CALL NOW! -- and together let's make your special occasion party at home totally amazing, fun, and unforgettable! Sincerely, Kendal Kane P.S., As one of the busiest professional magicians in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area, my calendar can fill up weeks in advance. So I urge you to email me or call me NOW – 214-300-5382 -- why risk disappointing your friends?