CONGRATULATIONS! Your Group Recognizes The Importance Of Family Values And The Opportunity To Raise Thousands Of Dollars By Providing A Positive Event To Your Community!
How would you like to see a hugely popular stage show – one that gets rave reviews from young and old – come to your community and absolutely thrill the hundreds of families that attend?
How would you like to see children’s faces light up with excitement and leave them so thoroughly mesmerized that they’re talking about it for weeks afterwards?
How would you like the thousands of dollars raised by the performance to go into YOUR fundraising account?
If you are one of the many, many, many community organizations who is frustrated by “having” to fundraise, and are tired of constantly doing a bunch of itty-bitty fundraisers all year long… wouldn’t it be nice to do just two or three fundraisers that raise really big moneyquickly and efficiently?
Instead of feeling guilty about pushing people to buy things they don’t really want, or running a raffle or prize draw that leaves 99.9% of contributors having received nothing for their money, doesn’t putting on an event that has the entire community thanking you sound like a much more rewarding option?
Wouldn’t it be great to pave the way for an eagerly-awaited annual event …a seasonal fundraiser that you can bank on to earn a sizable chunk of your yearly operating funds?
Harness the goodwill created by bringing a positive family event to the community and raise awareness of you group, resulting in increased membership and participation in all of you follow-up events and other fundraisers?
Take the success methods you’ll learn from hosting such an event and apply them to all your other fundraisers, instantly making more money with each and every other fundraiser you undertake?
I am completely, without a doubt, 100% positive that all of these benefits and more are available to any group that works with this program.
In fact, these powerful techniques have consistently proven so successful that I’m able to GUARANTEE this project will make you money, as well as offer some incredible discounts and bonuses to those groups who want to be sure they don’t miss out on the opportunity to cash-in on this incredible fund raising program!